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Here are the 8 "Ls" of Parenting to help you raise happy and successful children:

1. LOVE: Show your chiet that they are valued and loved through gentle touches, amles Tugs, and undivided attention

2. LOOK Acknowledge your child's strengths and positive behaviors by making specific comments on what they do well believing in your child's worth can help build her self- confidence and motivation

3. LISTEN your child without augment when they express their thoughes and lewings By doing as you can present them from seeking attention through megatve Defiaviors

4. LANGH Laugh and play with your child to onpe with fes difficulties, Avoid laughing at them and instead demoraliste a sense of huanor togethar

5. LABOUR: Digently work hard with pride to encourage your child to work hart persevere, and do their best

6. LEARN Learn new things with your child and instill a love of leaming. It's okay to say don't know" but follow it with finding out together. On car trips, play word games, rend, listen to books on tape

7. LEAVE Limit pesure to media that can desensitize your chat towards wownc अ agpression, such as television and video games. Place computers in central locations to monitor in E

8. LIVE Take sure in the little things like an ice cream cone, a beautiful ding or your shild's anthusiasme pretent fance, sing take walks, play games, have plesant thess, look at phones, share dreams, and enjoy each other's company.

Remember, your child will most likely adopt the attitudes and habits you demonstrate daily, so be a positive role model.

Folbob School.

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